Monday, February 9, 2009

Been a long time since i updated, so lets do a photo log shall we?

Getting bitten by Dr Fish!! It's really quite fun, once u get over the initial gross-ness of something feeding away on ur dead skin.

Camwhoring whilst getting our dead skin fed on..

Mummy commented i have the most fish.. cos i got the most dead skin, thanks to my seasonal eczema.. Dr Fish is sposed to be good for psoriasis or eczema patients, dun see much improvement to mine=(

darlin' bee attempting to fit into a Daiso basket with his new toy.

cute hammies bundling up.

watch that hammy in the distance holding the water bottle by its paws. awesomely sweeeet

nice takeaway cup from a foodcourt. Love the scene on the cup.. my kind of world.

i like vintage stuff.

Our Reunion Dinner (incl Bibi's foodbowl=)) Simple but tasty.

Bibi on new satin sheets... (NOT his ah!!)

While "shou-sui"-ing... our yearly tradition.. Macs delivery to keep the sleep bugs at bay.

Day 1 CNY dinner, leftovers from Reunion Dinner with a couple of new dishes, like fish and prawns.


Yay!! Home-made Fondue...

Only Part 1 of pics uploaded cos internet decided to "ba-gong" le.. refuse to upload more pics despite numerous tries. and it's time for bed! NY resolution, to get at least 8 hrs sleep everyday! i'm still bordering on 6-7.. not enuff!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Seriously what is the world coming to? I don't profess to be an all-animal lover, but images like this always are disturbing, especially when i start to have nightmares of people doing that to Bibi. *shudders* esp so cos in one of the pics, the kitten was lying in a position like Bibi, utterly trusting of the human handling it.
